I will distract you with pictures
Where have I been? Mostly sleeping a lot and using reams of Kleenex.
I did make it to Ryan's 1000 skein avalanche giveaway for Dulaan last Saturday. I totally failed to get my camera out of my bag and take pictures of the event (although you can see my butt in one of the pic's on Ryan's blog). Perhaps I was feverish. I picked up a lot of yarn. (And, look Ryan, I got at least a couple of goldish skeins!)

The round robin's egg blue ball in that picture is representin' for a substantial and tangled bag of that color. I like to untangle, so I deliberately picked up a tangly bag. I also couldn't resist these cute little skeins of embroidery wool.

I think I'm going to spit splice the ends together and make a giant ball of many colors. Or maybe I'll make lots of mittens. I dunno.
Part of the reason I was inspired to seize so much Dulaan yarn is that Ryan had a copy of FIRE's documentary about their work in Mongolia, One Steppe at a Time. I've just written and deleted several descriptions of how this film made even a tough cookie like me get all weepy, but I hate to wax sentimental. Do something for someone else, folks, with whatever tools you have. I started a stash-buster Dulaan sweater while watching the DVD, and finished it up tonight during Project Runway. Stella graciously offered to model.

This sweater uses 6 different yarns, and I managed to almost completely use up 4 of them. It's both virtue and a reward - more space for the new charity stash.
In other knitting news, I've made myself a hat out of assorted handspun (alpaca, alpaca/wool, and some Romney).

(I'm really super bad at that "shot in the mirror" thing other bloggers do.) The hat needs, and is waiting for, a tassle. Pink? Gray? Burgandy? Feel free to chime in with an opinion.
I've also finished a project for my sister (not Camera Obscura , but the blogless sister) who is getting married this weekend. She asked me to make her "something blue" a little bag to carry around her wrist to carry the rings in.

The painting above my couch is modelling in the first picture, and the second (blurry) one is for scale. I'm not having a good photography night. Anyway, I hope she likes it, and has blue undies or something as a back up plan if she doesn't.
So, I've got a day o' work tomorrow, then Friday we're off to Chicago for the wedding. I'll return, hopefully with in-focus pictures, on Monday.
I did make it to Ryan's 1000 skein avalanche giveaway for Dulaan last Saturday. I totally failed to get my camera out of my bag and take pictures of the event (although you can see my butt in one of the pic's on Ryan's blog). Perhaps I was feverish. I picked up a lot of yarn. (And, look Ryan, I got at least a couple of goldish skeins!)

The round robin's egg blue ball in that picture is representin' for a substantial and tangled bag of that color. I like to untangle, so I deliberately picked up a tangly bag. I also couldn't resist these cute little skeins of embroidery wool.

I think I'm going to spit splice the ends together and make a giant ball of many colors. Or maybe I'll make lots of mittens. I dunno.
Part of the reason I was inspired to seize so much Dulaan yarn is that Ryan had a copy of FIRE's documentary about their work in Mongolia, One Steppe at a Time. I've just written and deleted several descriptions of how this film made even a tough cookie like me get all weepy, but I hate to wax sentimental. Do something for someone else, folks, with whatever tools you have. I started a stash-buster Dulaan sweater while watching the DVD, and finished it up tonight during Project Runway. Stella graciously offered to model.

This sweater uses 6 different yarns, and I managed to almost completely use up 4 of them. It's both virtue and a reward - more space for the new charity stash.
In other knitting news, I've made myself a hat out of assorted handspun (alpaca, alpaca/wool, and some Romney).

(I'm really super bad at that "shot in the mirror" thing other bloggers do.) The hat needs, and is waiting for, a tassle. Pink? Gray? Burgandy? Feel free to chime in with an opinion.
I've also finished a project for my sister (not Camera Obscura , but the blogless sister) who is getting married this weekend. She asked me to make her "something blue" a little bag to carry around her wrist to carry the rings in.

The painting above my couch is modelling in the first picture, and the second (blurry) one is for scale. I'm not having a good photography night. Anyway, I hope she likes it, and has blue undies or something as a back up plan if she doesn't.
So, I've got a day o' work tomorrow, then Friday we're off to Chicago for the wedding. I'll return, hopefully with in-focus pictures, on Monday.