Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tour de Fleece DNF*

Fail. I wrecked my shoulder (again) last week, and I know from experience that I have to let it rest. There's been no spinning, and very little knitting or sewing, for me this week. I'm glad I at least got the first batch plied, and I've started the second batch of singles, so it's not a complete disaster.

The little bit of stuff I have been working on is the ongoing Colette sweater, a pair of mittens for the knit-along I'm leading at Pacific Fabrics, baby quilt projects, and a quilt for my mom (not a surprise, although she may be surprised to hear that it's actually in progress now).

Random notes:

To women who wear low-rise jeans: if you choose to wear these jeans to an outdoor concert, and you sit on the ground, be aware that if your shirt is short, the nice folks behind you are totally staring at your ass. Way, way too much of your ass. Please, for the love of all that's decent, pull up your pants or wear a longer damn shirt.

To Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings: you totally rocked. Zoo Tunes is cool and all, but I'd love to hear them in a club where I could actually SEE Sharon Jones (she's tiny, and we were well back in the crowd), and where she didn't have to worry about keeping it family-friendly.

To Gardenburger: please resolve your production difficulties so that our beloved sizzling soy sausage patties return to a nearby freezer case. Boca breakfast patties aren't nearly as good (plus they're weirdly proportioned for breakfast bread products such as English muffins), and I really don't like Morningstar that much either. I've been cranky since I'm not getting my protein for breakfast.

*DNF = Did Not Finish, fyi for those of you who don't spend as much time as Trent and me following cycling coverage.

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Blogger PICAdrienne said...

Male or female, crack kills. The only exception is if it is less than 5 years old. Brief baby crack is cute, otherwise...ewww.

The only good thing about it as a lesson to my daughters. They have learned to make sure their shirts are long enough when sitting.

1:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor, poor you. Sorry about your shoulder. It's wrong, to not be able to knit or spin, wrong I say. See you Monday at Ferals ~ you'll be better by then. We'll bring our Tour de Fleece product! Ar

6:33 AM  

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